
duminică, 12 februarie 2017


INGREDIENTE : - 125 gr unt - 1 lingura zahar - coaja rasa de la o portocala - zeama de la 1/2 portocala - 1 lingurita praf de copt - 100 gr nuci diverse macinate (nuca alune de padure caju si migdale) - 150 gr faina+50 gr pentru framantat - un varf de cutit sare Glazura: - sucul de la cealalta jumatate de portocala - zahar pudra - cateva picaturi colorant rosu Glazura: - sucul de la cealalta jumatate de portocala - zahar pudra - cateva picaturi colorant rosu Mod de preparare Punem intr-un bol untul la temperatura camerei, zaharul, sarea, coaja de portocala si praful de copt stins cu sucul de portocala. Amestecam bine adaugand apoi mixul de nuci macinate. Incorporam apoi 150 gr din faina, dupa care turnam compozitia pe masa tapetata cu faina si framantam pana incorporam si restul de faina. Invelim in folie alimentara si dam la frigider timp de o ora. Scoatem din frigider, lasam cateva minute la temperatura camerei, apoi impartim aluatul in doua si pe rand intindem foile si decupam forme de inimioare. Asezam formele decupate intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si dam la cuptorul preincalzit la 170 de grade timp de 10-11 minute. Scoatem din cuptor, asezam formele pe o plansa pe care am pus un prosop de hartie si lasam la racit. Pentru glazura: frecam bine zaharul pudra cu suc de portocala si colorant pana obtinem o pasta usor de intins. Ungem fiecare inimioara cu aceasta glazura si lasam sa se intareasca inainte de a servi. Din cantitatea de mai sus ies aprox. 40 inimoare. IINGREDIENTE: - 125 g butter - 1 tablespoon sugar - Zest of one orange - Juice of 1/2 orange - 1 teaspoon baking powder - 100 gr various ground nuts (walnuts hazelnuts cashews and almonds) - 150 gr + 50 gr flour for kneading - A pinch of salt Glaze: - Juice from the other half orange - powdered sugar - A few drops of red dye Glaze: - Juice from the other half orange - powdered sugar - A few drops of red dye Method of preparation Put in a bowl at room temperature butter, sugar, salt, orange peel and baking powder off with orange juice. Mix well then adding ground nuts mix. Then incorporate 150 grams of flour, then pour the mixture on the table dusted with flour and knead incorporate the remaining flour. Give food wrapped in foil and refrigerate for an hour. Remove from the refrigerator, leave a few minutes at room temperature, then divide the dough in two and another stretch sheets and cut shapes of hearts. Cut shapes sit on a tray lined with baking paper and give the preheated oven at 170 degrees for 10-11 minutes. Remove from oven, place on a plate forms that I put a paper towel and leave to cool. For glaze: well rubbed with powdered sugar and orange juice to dye spread easily obtain a paste. Brush each heart with glaze and let it harden before serving. Out above the amount of approx. 40 hearts.